Best Japanese Steel Used in Making Shears Today

What Types Of Shears Are Used For Styling?

Selecting appropriate tools for hair cutting is crucial. The process of choosing the correct types of shears for clients can be complex, as each type serves a distinct purpose, designed for varying hair types. Crafting a hairdressing scissors collection might be confusing due to numerous options. The perfect tools are essential to achieve clients’ desired haircuts, preventing them from missing out on a stylish appearance. To enable customers to showcase their hair stylishly, it’s time to opt for the suitable scissors. Explore the diverse range of haircutting scissor types.

Short-Bladed Cutting Scissors

Selecting the right professional hairdressing scissors involves taking blade length into account. Smaller hands find short-bladed cutting scissors advantageous due to their lighter weight and enhanced control, minimizing hand fatigue.

types of shears for hair

Scissors featuring blade lengths between 4 to 5.5 inches are well-suited for various hair techniques. A prime example is the 2018 Matsui Matte Black Aichei Mountain Offset Scissors  with 5.5-inch blades, an ideal choice for women’s haircutting methods like hair slicing and detailed cuts.

Long-Bladed Barbering Scissors

beveled shears usually have what type of blades

Barbering methods like scissor over the comb necessitate scissors that can cover a larger hair area in a single snip for efficient cutting. Longer scissor blades are essential to maintain an even and straight cutting line, preventing any unevenness. For blunt-cutting techniques demanding precise straight cuts, we suggest opting for barbering scissors within the 6 to 7-inch range, considering variations in types of shears to suit your needs. the the Matsui Matte Black Samurai Barbers Thinning and Blending Triple Set presents an enticing option. This set combines the functionality of thinning and blending scissors, offering barbers a comprehensive toolkit to elevate their craft.

Wide-Tooth Thinner Scissors

what type of shears are chunking shears

Different types of shears are essential in your toolkit but thinner scissors with a limited number of teeth are crucial. These specialized thinners are crafted to effectively reduce hair volume in chunks. The sparse teeth on these scissors result in a greater portion of hair being trimmed with each snip. This efficient process not only saves time but also proves valuable for clients with dense or coarse hair textures.

Swivel Scissors

types of thinning shears

Extended periods at the salon can exert significant strain on your wrists and hands. Introducing swivel scissors into your toolkit presents a valuable remedy for alleviating discomfort in your hands. Conventional hairdressing shears confine your thumb to a fixed position, potentially leading to discomfort over time. Swivel scissors, on the other hand, incorporate a rotating thumb ring, enhancing maneuverability and control. Moreover, they adapt to your natural hand motions through the swiveling thumb ring, effectively diminishing discomfort and augmenting the comfort of your haircutting sessions.

Blending/Texturizing Scissors

different types of shears

Sometimes during the process of thinning hair with regular cutting scissors, it’s possible to inadvertently trim more than originally intended. To avoid this scenario, consider adding texturizing shears with a higher number of teeth to your toolkit. The increased teeth count on these texturizing scissors enables a gradual thinning process, preventing excessive removal in a single pass. This feature enhances your control and precision, particularly when working on texturizing fine hair.

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Important Tips To Keep In Mind While Buying Diffrent Types Of Shears

Assess the material: Typically, hair-cutting scissors are crafted from stainless steel. Opting for Japanese steel is a popular choice when acquiring hairdressing shears.

Consider size: For individuals with larger hands, selecting elongated blades is recommended. Meanwhile, those with medium or smaller hands can opt for blades of moderate length.

Evaluate the handle: Swivel-style handles are an excellent choice for individuals experiencing hand discomfort. Alternatively, if budget constraints are a concern, traditional shears could be a viable option.

To Sum It Up!

The availability of a range of types of shears empowers you to curate the perfect set that precisely caters to your customers’ diverse haircutting requirements. By carefully considering and incorporating various scissor options, you not only enhance your skillset but also contribute to a more satisfying experience for your clients.